Edinburgh Refs Uncategorized Why Automate Your Business

Why Automate Your Business

Business Automation

So, you have so many tasks to complete but only 24 hours in a day. You have four options:

  1. Work long hours and still never catchup.
  2. Employee someone to help you.
  3. Automate tasks.
  4. Leave tasks uncompleted.

In our experience most business owners end up opting for option 4 or option 2. If they can afford to, they will employ another member of staff. If they are struggling for cash, they will try option 1 but in reality, they will be leaving tasks uncompleted.

Few business owners look at the option of automation. The main reason for this is the lack of awareness of what can be automated. We spend everyday helping businesses automate their business.

Common automation request are:

Syncing data across different systems

Client status updates

Document creation

Social Media Posting

Automated Invoicing

Account systems posting

Data entry

If we spend a day writing bespoke software to automate an area of your business, we average a saving of 1.5 hours every day. If we spend a week working on automation, we can save a whole person. Very rarely do business loose staff through automation. Most of the time it enables them to grow and improve their business. Many find that tasks like posting to social media which was always put to the bottom of the pile is now happening every few hours on autopilot.


Visit www.bespokesoftware.it for more information about us.

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5 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate in 20165 Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate in 2016

The online marketing industry is complex and volatile, but an exciting one for anybody who stays up on modern trends. Each year, new hardware, new software, new companies, and new user preferences dictate a host of sweeping changes that either get adopted or ignored by the businesses of the world. Early adopters get a leg up on the competition, appealing to new markets or cementing their reputations as industry leaders, while those lagging behind miss out on a key opportunity to retain their positions.

2016 looks to be a great year for online marketing, and I anticipate it shaking up the game with these seven trends:

  1. Video ads will start dominating.Video ads are certainly nothing new, with social channels like YouTube dedicated to hosting billions of videos and advertising platforms like Facebook and Bing already offering advertisers video options. 2016 is set to be different because Google isfinally getting on board with in-SERP video advertising. It’s a sign that users are becoming more accepting of video ads online, and as that trend continues, expect to see more types of video ads popping up in more unexpected places. With Google’s ownership of YouTube, the possibilities are virtually limitless.


  1. App indexing will lead to an explosion of apps.Google has offered app indexing for a while, but as the ranking possibilities for apps become more complex, 2016 will be the year more business owners realize the online visibility advantages of a dedicated app. A mobile-optimized site works wonders for appealing to the mobile crowd, but soon, apps will begin to replace them. Apps can do everything that websites can, except in more intuitive, convenient, accessible ways. We’re still several years away from apps completely replacing websites as a medium, but 2016 will be a pivotal year in app adoption from business owner’s perspectives.


  1. Mobile will completely dominate desktop.2015 was a big year for mobile—not only did Google announce that mobile traffic finally overtook desktop traffic in 10 different countries, it was also the year they released the “Mobilegeddon” algorithm update to phase out sites not optimized for mobile. But apparently, you don’t have to have an optimized desktop site in addition to a mobile version—according to Google, a mobile-only site with no desktop counterpart is perfectly acceptable. This alone won’t be enough to drive down desktop traffic, but it’s clear what side of the fence Google’s on; they’re banking on desktop traffic fading away, meaning the smart money rests on mobile-focused online marketing.


  1. Digital assistants will lead to a new kind of optimization.Search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising are two highly popular strategies for getting your site seen by thousands of previously unknown visitors. But the rise of digital assistants isgoing to lead to a new kind of optimization. Digital assistants like Siri and Cortana do utilize traditional search engines, but only when necessary to find information. The key to optimizing in this new format is to make sure your business information is easily accessible to these assistants, rather than trying to funnel people to your site specifically.


  1. Wearable technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) will pave new ground.While not quite to the level of virtual reality, wearable “smart” devices should start gaining more traction into 2016. 2015 saw the unveiling of the Apple Watch, a first-generation smart watch, but more smart watches and similar wearable devices should start emerging next year. Such devices will change the landscape of local marketing, and will do more toblur the lines between “online” marketing and “real” marketing.


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The key is to do savvy marketing. You have to be smart with your marketing strategies and employ a mixture of techniques including social marketing using platforms like Twitter & Facebook (take a look at this page https://www.facebook.com/The-Savvy-Marketer-404442223087731).


The Savvy Marketer will always look for new ways to stay ahead and to keep up with the latest ideas in marketing, using a ‘product reviews’ strategy, you can use your internet marketing blog to generate traffic for launch jacking. Click here to discover more about this strategy.


Visit this site to see exactly what we are talking about.

Can Your Skin Really benefit from a Simple Spray of Hydrogen Water?Can Your Skin Really benefit from a Simple Spray of Hydrogen Water?

Molecular Hydrogen and Your Skin

It’s true that oral consumption of hydrogen water – and inhalation are the most common methods of accessing e benefits of hydrogen-rich water, but research is now revealing new and exciting ways to benefit. And one of these is using hydrogen water on our skin.

There are two ways to do this: One is a full bath in hydrogen-rich water. The other is a simple nanospray device that directs H2 water where you want it.

Research has, so far, concentrated on:

○  Skin conditions (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc)

○  Wound healing and burns

○  Aging and wrinkle formation

Inflammation: Skin Conditions

Common skin conditions (psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. ) are included in the general category of chronic inflammation. It means persistent, pathological inflammation, sometimes including an autoimmune component.

We’ve all heard of free radical damage to the skin, also known as reactive oxygen species (ROS). When our body – foe whatever reason, inflames, the result is the over-production of ROS . If you watch the cosmetic companies’ latest ads, you’ll see all manner of creams, lotions, sprays and foundations all claiming to reduce ROS.

Simply put .
chronic inflammation causes overproduction of free radicals, which in turn cause more inflammation, which means more free radicals, and so on.

In the last ten years we’ve seen 1400+ research studies demonstrating how molecular hydrogen works naturally to support the body’s own defences against free radicals (ROS).


A nasty and chronic inflammatory skin condition. It can also be found as a form of arthritis (psoriatic arthritis).
The sufferer has large, scaly plaques, often itchy and/or painful. It’s not only irritating, but also socially problematic.

Psoriasis on elbow 65be19cf1981135dfac259164e773edf 800

A Tough Ailment

Many of the pharmaceutical options for treatment come with unpleasant side effects. A good friend of mine has suffered this for years.

Now, however, there may be hope, not in yet another cream, tablet or lnimenti but in water. Yes, water.. infused with molecular hydrogen.

A study published last year in the journal Scientific Reports, medical researchers looked at whether or not hydrogen water could make a difference.

Involving 74 subjects, (half given topical hydrogen water; the other half was treated with regular water as a control). The subjects received topical hydrogen twice a week.

The concentration of hydrogen water was very, very low.. just on part per billion in the water.

After 8 weeks the hydrogen group saw substantial reductions in visible plaquing and symptoms compared to the control.

25% of the hydrogen group saw up to 75% improvement in symptoms vs. just  2.9% in the control group.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5966409/

We are not talking about a long period. Just 8 weeks of treatment
To get the same sort of result from the marketplace drugs and lotions can take up to 12 weeks, with side effects.

6 of the hydrogen subjects were able to get off their drugs altogether.

Body Mass Index also decreased in the patients receiving hydrogen therapy. The researchers were stumped as to why this happened, even though similar H2 studies showed the same effect.

Burns and Wounds

Research has also been quite intense in the area of the effects of molecular hydrogen on burns and wounds.

One study in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity examined how hydrogen water affectedoral wound healing in rats. In this case researchers used hydrogen water with a concentration of about 5-7 ppm.

We’ll let the pictures demonstrate what this looks like.

The left image One shows the initial injury. The centre image shows the control group which received no hydrogen after one week. The right image is the hydrogen treatment group after the same amount of time.

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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4699099/

Differences in healing times between the two groups were obvious – and substantial.

Inflammatory chemicals and markers of oxidative stress were also significantly lower in the hydrogen group vs. the control.

Scientists concluded that these extraordinary changes were initiated by hydrogen’s role as a selective NRF2 activator, and for hydrogen’s unique ability ability to support our body’s own glutathione`s role in decrease of inflammatory cytokines and promotion of healing.

Hydrogen water also appears to have potential for helping to repair burn damage. As most people are aware, rapid response to burns is perhaps the most important factor in treatment.

Another study published in the journal Burns reported that hydrogen may alleviate inflammation and speed wound healing, even in cases of burns that received delayed treatment, (again due to activation of the NRF2 pathway).

This study supported the findings from another study that indicated hydrogen’s potential to prevent cellular apoptosis and reduce inflammation in severe burn models.

Finally, another pre-clinical trial published in the journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons freported that topical hydrogen prevents skin cell death during surgery involving large skin  incisions.

Skin: Aging and Wrinkles

Yes, we know it. Aging comes to us all, and perhaps genetics have already laid down our ‘karma’ to some degree.. making it, according to gerontologists, beyond fixing

This however, doesn’t mean that we can improve our genetically determined karma by caring for our skin, protecting it from UV, and helping out when we fail.

What does the science say?

In journal Plos One a study looking at human subjects reported that topical hydrogen mitigated UV induced redness and inflammation by over 20% compared to the control.

They also reported that hydrogen treatment prevented DNA damage AND stimulated collagen production.

Here’s what they said:
Molecular hydrogen “may prevent UV-induced skin inflammation and can modulate intrinsic skin aging and photoaging processes.”
This confirmed the findings from a large number of animal studies.

A smaller human trial found that 90 days of daily hydrogen baths significantly reduced wrinkles in 4 out of the 6 patients, while cellular analysis showed similar UV-protective effects, and promoted collagen formation.

It’s not just UV damage from the sun. Our skin also aged via our old friend, Reactive Oxygen Species as oxidative stress. If your skin is exposed to a harsh external environment for any extended period, skin cells experience some of the highest levels of oxidative stress in the body.

One study published in the journal Medical Gas Research reports their findings that hydrogen administered directly substantially lowered markers of oxidative stress in skin cells, and also prevented the formation of harmful chemical bonds that can accelerate the skin ageing process.

There’s more: A study looking at human subjects, published in the same journal, reported that hydrogen water:

○  Improved peripheral blood flow (reactive oxygen species cause red blood cells to gum together, clogging capillaries)

○  Improved skin moisture levels by 10%

○  Cleansed keratin plugs in skin pores 2 -5x as much as normal water (via inhibition of lipid peroxidation)

Concentration of hydrogen in this study was extremely low, about 1/10th of that produced by the Q-Mist spray system.
We’ve since learned that the higher the H2 concentration, the higher the effect.

More research is needed, but what is significant is that there are zero side effects reported in any of the studies. This is understandable because molecular hydrogen is so small that it easily passed into the body – and out again. It the unique ability to penetrate even the smallest human cee, and only ‘activates’ when it makes contact with a ROS, turning itself and the ROS into pure water.

Want to try it out?

Good things come in small packages.

We’ve done it for you!
We’ve been supplying the Q-Mist nanoparticle hydrogen spray for over a year and we’ve already had great stories from users. It’s small enough to slip into a handbag, it’s ultra-easy to use, it recharges by USB and sprays a cooling spray of H2 infused water direct to the affected area.

q mist 5 76f32af180d13f8030f15f11d6418007 800

The Q-Mist hydrogen-rich water diffuser takes skincare to a new level. Infused in pure water with billions of nanodroplets of molecular hydrogen, your skin can now be revitalized like never before.

No oils, no chemicals, no long names you have to believe must be safe just the smallest molecule in the universe: the building block of life itself. Molecular Hydrogen, delivered using Ultrasonic mist technology that vibrates over a sequence of 120,000 times per second, creating the finest nanoparticle for best skin absorption.

A few of our user’s responses:

“I received the Q-Mist a bit over a week ago and I have been trying it twice a day on my head, face, and even my neck below the chin, I thought with the cold weather that it would be too cold to use it but it is a very refreshing and pleasant experience and I am sure I can already see some difference in my face with sagging skin and wrinkles.”

“The Q-Mist is Wonderful !!! I brought one for myself but my daughter kept taking it so I brought her one as a gift, she takes it everywhere, really hydrates skin. I found that using Q-Mist is really refreshing/hydrating for the skin. A big bonus for me, I no longer have to buy eye drops for dry eyes as the moisturising mist used once or twice a day over my eyelids, around my eyes and in my eyes works wonders:) Also a great wound cleanser.”

“I have purchased various of these wonderful Q-Mist’s everyone loves them and everyone uses them for different purposes with great results in all areas- dry eyes, scraps and wound cleansing, blocked nasal passages and of course for facial skin, it is so hydrating no need for facial creams while you have this wonderful item but if you do use facial creams at times , first mist your face until it feels slightly wet , wait 2 minutes and then apply facial cream and the difference in absorption is amasing as skin feels super plump and hydrated. Thank you AlkaWay team for lovely customer service, great products and fast delivery!”

“Love it! I get sore eyes and use it for that. Last week I walked into a grasstree and a blade went straight into my eye. Very painful! Three short blasts with the Q-Mist and my eye is perfect.”

The Cost?

Given that you seldom get any change for $100 for a short term treatment option for the problems mentioned, AU $99 is very, very reasonable, given that you’ll be able to use it every day, it costs nothing to refill, and it’s backed by our full guarantee. and..
we also guarantee you’ll experience the Q-Mist dazzle. Pul it out and spray, and watch people take notice, asks what you are doing – and why you look so good!



Can I use aromatic oils in it?
No. Oils will block the ultrasonic jet. Remember, this isn’t a ‘feel’ good aroma product. This is a product designed to heal.

Does it have an SPE and PEM filter to ensure it doesn’t actually make chlorine?
The Q-Mist is not built with SPE/PEM electrodes. However, the power consumption to this unit is very small, there will hardly any chlorine be detected through the electrolysis process, and it’s not harmful to our skins.

How does it charge?
A USB charge inlet allows you to easily charge it.

How long will it operate until it needs a new charge?
We’ve tested it to 1.5 hours of operation.

How do I refill it?
Just twist the cap off, fill it with purified water, and replace the cap.

What are the bubbles I see when it runs?
These are molecular hydrogen being infused into the water.

Is it OK to carry it in my handbag or purse? Will it leak?
We’ve used it in all sorts of conditions daily and it has not leaked. Design and utility are excellent.

Are there scientific tests I can look at?
Yes, www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com/skin-and-radiationre.

How long will it last?
The inventor has tested it to simulate 3 years’ operation.
It has a one year warranty.

What kind of water should I use with Q-Mist?
You can use any water with minerals including tap water. Do not use RO (Reverse Osmosis) water with Q-Mist because hydrogen cannot be generated without minerals in the water.

Why is my Q-Mist hard to slide down and switch on?
It is sometimes slippery when there are water stains left on the on/off button. Try drying the button and try again.


Model: WHM-1803
Water Tank Capacity: 16ml.
Dimensions: 42 x 22 x 122mm (L x W x H).
Weight: 2 Oz.

Build Materials

Body and water tank: Food Grade PC Plastic Rohs certified.
Platinum Titanium Electrode.


Nanoscale Ultrasonic Mist Technology.
Atomization amount: 0.8~1.2 ml/min.

Hydrogen Generation

Hydrogen Concentration up to 800 ppb (Depends on Water Quality).
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP): up to -400 mV  (Depends on Water Quality).
Working Time: 1.5 hours (continuous).

Power Information

Power Supply: DC5V
Battery Capacity: 500 mAh
Charging Time: 2.5 hours

Contact us to learn more at:
Alkaway Australia
Alkaway USA

The Latest News About Delta 8 GummiesThe Latest News About Delta 8 Gummies

The Latest News About Delta 8 Gummies

Using CBD for medicinal and recreational purposes has actually been spiced up by the extraction of THC, which is the primary active ingredient in marijuana plants and is accountable for making the users high. When the substance is combined with Delta 8, it produces pain-relieving, appetite-stimulating, and relaxation homes (delta 8 gummies).

When picking the Delta 8THC, consider for how long they have remained in the marketplace and how well their items are understood delta 8 cbd gummies. Garner as much information as possible on its nature and the available choices you can get for the very same product. delta 8 gummies. Sellers ought to provide all the details for their customers to select whether to purchase their items or not.

Due to their strong concentration of THC and Delta 8, Chill Plus Delta-8 Square Gummies produce a prolonged effect for those looking to calm or relax the entire night or day – delta 8 gummies. The quality of these gummies is guaranteed through third-party laboratory screening, and the company is known to produce CBD items over the last five years.

6 Easy Facts About Delta 8 Gummies Shown

Users of Chill plus gummies have taken pleasure in these edibles without an irritated stomach, increased Anxiety, or paranoia (delta 8 gummies). Nevertheless, Chill Plus Delta-8 gummies are illegal in some states. Therefore, please discover out the legality of these gummies in your state prior to buying them since the business will not be liable in case of any legal issues.

Do not use if pregnant or lactating (delta 8 gummies). If you have any pre-existing illnesses or undiagnosed diseases, consult your doctor prior to using Chill plus Delta 8 square gummies. Only utilize if you are above 21 years of age. Validate the legality of the gummies in your state before making any purchase They can be found in a range of tastes and colors.

They are effectively stabilized to produce maximum benefits. Offer effects over a very long time. Great for sleeping disorders in persistent conditions. High dose may result in unfavorable results. Rubbery and unpleasant to the mouth. They are unlawful in some states. delta 8 gummies. May melt under high heat Extended use might lead to dependency.

Delta 8 Gummies Things To Know Before You Buy

Freshbrosi Delta 8 gummies are thoroughly extracted from hemp by a knowledgeable biochemist who has actually been in the production of CBD-related items for the last 15 years (delta 8 gummies). Their quality is ensured through third-party laboratory screening, and they are locally made in America. Their gummies can be found in raspberry flavor, making them edible and getting rid of the hemp taste.

The advised serving for Delta 8 gummies is half to 1 gummy. Caution must be observed not to exceed the recommended optimum daily usage and you ought to permit a minimum of 90 minutes prior to taking another serving, must you not feel the impacts of the THC. Freshbrosi Delta 8 gummies melt under heat and, therefore, must be saved in a refrigerator cannabis.


Please keep them in a freezer to make one big piece and then utilize a knife to cut into equal individual parts. Freshbrosi Delta 8 gummies are magnificently packed in resealable mylar bags, making it practical to cut the gummies if they melt while on transit and making them more hassle-free to utilize.

What Does Delta 8 Gummies Do?

Some have actually attained a lot of calm simply by taking half of a gummy. Some Freshbrosi Delta 8 users have discovered considerable pain relief, especially those experiencing persistent pain. Those experiencing anxiety and Anxiety have actually experienced a level of calm from utilizing this product. Freshbrosi Delta 8 THC gummies are just delivered in states where they are legal.

Naturally seasoned Melts under high heat. Illegal in some states Risk of over-dependence. It takes some time to begin. Impacts experienced over a very long time. Considering that the 2018 farm costs legalized delta 8 THC, there has been an increasing need for the item, with providers and online stores responding in an equivalent procedure.

Utilizing the 3 brand names on physicians’ guidance is therefore suggested., Chill plus Delta 8 squares, or Chi Delta 8 gummies – delta 8 gummies.

Excitement About Delta 8 Gummies

Nevertheless, Delta 8 highlife watermelon gummies, Chill plus Delta 8 squares, and Freshbrosi Delta 8 Gummies are legal in some states only – delta 8 gummies. Ensure that you learn from your state whether the products are legal or not. Q. What is Delta 8 THC? Delta 8 THC is a combination of Delta 8 and THC, both drawn out from the hemp plant.

Considering that then, Delta 8THC is extracted from hemp and includes no Delta 9 THC traces and therefore can be thought about legal. delta 8 gummies. Being among the more than 144 recognized cannabinoids, Delta 9 THC is the main active ingredient in marijuana, with psychedelic residential or commercial properties responsible for making its users high. Delta 8 THC is the less potent derivative of THC with no traces of Delta 9 THC.

When a urine test is conducted within 48 days of utilizing the substance, traces are likely to be present. If you have used Delta 8 compound and are aiming to do a drug test, the outcomes will be figured out by how typically you utilize the product. The more the variety of days you use the substance, the longer it remains in your system and the greater the chances that you will have a favorable drug test (delta 8 gummies).

The 7-Minute Rule for Delta 8 Gummies

We hope that the short article has actually been of fantastic help to you as you make your choice on the brand name of Delta 8 THC gummies for leisure or therapeutic usage.

After all, choosing the finest product is looking out for our well-being. Here are the criteria we use to identify the very best D-8 gummies: User experience – keeping an eye on the experience people had when they tried the gummies for every leading brand. User reviews monitoring social media, other websites, brand name sites Growing, extraction, and production techniques Our individual view This is why we are positive that we recommend just crme-of-the-crop gummies. delta 8 gummies.

But a few of their products are a bit costly than some other products The wide array of products might be overwhelming at times. That suggests, if you are a confused purchaser, you can get lost while buying from their website. Full-spectrum is not an option in the making of the gummies, in spite of the exceptional impacts. delta 8 gummies.

Delta 8 Gummies Can Be Fun For Anyone

Numerous users have kept in mind that they have actually discovered relief to symptoms from conditions such as chronic discomfort, tension, sleeping conditions, and stress and anxiety. It is remarkable that for some, the relief from chewing on a Diamond CBD gummy minimized pain even more drastically than standard pain killers.

CBN and CBC have been contributed to Freshbrosi’s gummies to accomplish that additional zing to both body and mind – delta 8 gummies. The gummies taste like the genuine thing; it is hard to distinguish the hemp’s subtle flavours. Note that Freshbrosi products are evaluated by a third party-such as North Coast Analytical Laboratories-for preserving high requirements throughout production.